
Highest Rated

Highland Park Loki  •  10/30/2014  •  4.5

Vanilla - best balance of sweet & oaky. The peat isn't overpowering which is nice.

Samaroli Demerara Dark Rum 1995  •  3/27/2014  •  4.5

Can't keep my glass full enough to describe it.

Johnnie Walker Black  •  3/26/2015  •  3.5

Industry standard decent Scotch. Never going to give it up. Never going to let you down.

Lowest Rated

Throndhjems Aquavit  •  2/23/2017  •  2.5

Looks like whiskey. Definitely not whiskey.

Michter's US #1 Single Barrel Straight Rye  •  1/30/2014  •  3.0

This is a spicy meatball!

Johnnie Walker Black  •  3/26/2015  •  3.5

Industry standard decent Scotch. Never going to give it up. Never going to let you down.


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