
Highest Rated

Esprit Edouard Absinthe Supérieure  •  7/29/2015  •  4.0

Not as much anise on the nose but definitely coats your mouth after swallowing. Good with one pour of water. Has a creamy quality after water is added. The milky aesthetic actually carries over to the feel in the mouth.

WhistlePig Old World  •  6/24/2015  •  4.0

A little soil and fresh grass on the nose Honey. Elderflower. I really like this one! Wonderful every day wind down, smooth drinking, relaxing sipper. Doesn't feel like 90 proof.

Balcones Brimstone  •  6/24/2015  •  4.0

Pure texas scrub oak on the nose. Not to be confused with peat smoke Super unique. It tastes like the liquid condensed version of a really good rub for a rib. You'd think it would be less sophisticated, but it's surprisingly elegant. I have BBQ breath.

Lowest Rated

Mortlach Rare Old  •  3/26/2015  •  1.0

Citrus & oak. Smokey on the finish. Opens up with a drop of water. Kind of bland?

Johnny Drum Private Stock  •  6/24/2015  •  2.0

Johnny Drama: Smells like the way my rubber baby dolls smelled. Tastes like bourbon.

Macallan Sienna  •  3/26/2015  •  2.0

Strawberry on the nose with vanilla extract. Sits and stays in the back of the throat. Slightly feminine. Gets creamier as you sip. Dried fruit.


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