Todd W.

Highest Rated

Bainbridge Yama  •  9/29/2016  •  5.0

Huge banana nose. Then the lightly smoked nuts come out after a few sips. Finishes with mellow salted caramels. Totally unique experience.

Monkey 47  •  4/28/2016  •  5.0

Citrus, violet, and angelica nose. Upfront orange peel. Bright and delicious on its own and not overly juniper or herbal.

Willett 6 Year Bourbon - John Howie Steak Pick  •  9/16/2020  •  5.0

Damn! Willett rye has been one my favorites, but this may surpass it with a little more sweetness but still maintains the earthiness and spice. So much flavor but still has balance.

Lowest Rated

The Six Isles  •  7/27/2016  •  1.5

Not a fan of the menthol Bandaid peatiness up front. But the concluding flavors make it interesting.

Mortlach Rare Old  •  3/26/2015  •  2.0

A little bite. Dark wood. Slight close. Downgrade on the bottle design.

Caol Ila Moch  •  3/26/2015  •  2.0

Tastes better than it smells. Lilac and mountain stream taste. Otherwise, burning tire.


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