
Highest Rated

Longrow 18  •  4/26/2018  •  4.5

Lovely hint of peat

Esprit Edouard Absinthe Supérieure  •  7/29/2015  •  4.0

Makes me feel like a child rolling down a grassy hill in the summer. Sweet and grassy.

Casa Dragones Sipping Tequila  •  4/30/2015  •  4.0

Smooth with herbs in the back of my throat - super clean.

Lowest Rated

Red Star Brand Baiju  •  4/30/2015  •  0.0

Is there a negative rating? You'd have to do it in a shot but then you still have to face the finish.

Payet Pisco Torontel  •  11/19/2015  •  1.5

Running through a field of wild flowers and got stung by a bee

Corsair Triple Smoke  •  4/30/2015  •  2.5

Smoke without a lot of subtlety.


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