
Highest Rated

Four Roses Private Selection Single Barrel (OESF)  •  8/28/2014  •  4.0

4 roses 4 life.

Willett Noah's Mill Bourbon  •  8/28/2014  •  3.0

Nutmeg and cinnamon aroma, felt like I got punched in the nose, pretty spicy and the end. Smelled better than it tasted.

Defiant American Single Malt Whisky  •  5/29/2014  •  1.0

Smokey smell. All I taste is piss now.

Lowest Rated

Defiant American Single Malt Whisky  •  5/29/2014  •  1.0

Smokey smell. All I taste is piss now.

Willett Noah's Mill Bourbon  •  8/28/2014  •  3.0

Nutmeg and cinnamon aroma, felt like I got punched in the nose, pretty spicy and the end. Smelled better than it tasted.

Four Roses Private Selection Single Barrel (OESF)  •  8/28/2014  •  4.0

4 roses 4 life.


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